
Monday, June 6, 2011

Swap Anticipation

Scrappy Mug Rug  Package from Wendy T

I have been anxiously awaiting the mailman for the past month or so.  I have participated in 3 swaps lately - well 2 now - that I haven't received yet, and the waiting is getting hard.

Here is the package I received Friday from Wendy T (lovethesky40).  Isn't this package the cutest?  The travel portfolio is so adorable.  Perfect for the girl whose grandbaby lives 2000 miles away.

Isn't she the cutest?

The "Passport" has fabric pics of all kinds of great places to visit.  And all the handmade travel cards in the portfolio are very cute.  And the girl in the swimsuit on the mug rug itself is just too die for.  

But my other swaps have not been so gratifying as yet.  I'm not ungrateful - I'm just impatient.

The PP7 package I created for my partner

I did  Potholder Pass 7, and mailed my package a month ago, but haven't received a package yet.

Sewn Spaces Swap Package for my partner

I also did the Sewn Spaces Swap and haven't received anything from my partner yet.  I sure hope they come soon.  I'm getting not-so-patient with the mailman.  I hope they're not lost!

But meanwhile, you'll find me by the mailbox, K?


  1. cute cute passport stuff! I hate the waiting too. It's the worst. I hope your swaps arrive soon


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