
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Building Blocks

This weekend I managed to finish up a few things that were on the "to do" list.  First, I made this block for Kat, who is this month's queen in the Sew and Bee Happy.  She is doing a reverse rainbow quilt and asked everyone to do a different color block.  I had aqua/teal, and I thought this color scheme would be easy given that I just finished up my Teal We Meet Again quilt.  I was right, but not in the way I imagined.  Most of the scraps in my scrap basket were too small, so I ended up raiding the stash and cutting 4" squares.  I really was surprised at how much aqua and teal fabric I had - I think I could have made 2 blocks and never repeated a fabric.  This was a simple wonky star block with a fun twist, and I enjoyed making it.

I have now received all of my blocks for the 3x6 bee, which I started before the Teal We Meet Again block swap.  I've been thinking that 2 teal and red quilts might be too much, so for this round I tweaked my block request by adding yellow.

I really like the aqua and yellow combination.  I hope it will look great with the aqua and red and brighten up the quilt a little.

And finally, January was my month in the Fall Bee and I asked that everyone help me with my GMFG quilt I started in the First Time Bee.  I think I have figured out that I need 80 hexi flowers to make this quilt, and so far, I think I have 20, so I need all the help I can get.  This is the perfect project for a virtual bee, because I really want a scrappy quilt, and so the more folks who contribute from their stash, the better.  Hexis are so fun to make while you are watching TV or just need a few minutes to relax.  It's also a very portable project, so you can take it with  you if you have a few minutes.  Wish I had known about hexis when I was spending endless hours sitting in karate studios and waiting for piano lessons to finish.  Oh well.

Anyway, I received my first 3 blocks from my bee friends and I finished 3, so I'm making progress.  I finished another during the Super Bowl this evening and  have 3 more started, with 10 more expected from my bee friends, so I'm closing on 35.  I am participating in 2 more bees this year, so if I decided to do GMFG blocks, maybe I'll collect enough by the end of the year to make my quilt.  I'm really excited about these blocks.  Aren't they fun?  I'm actually getting enough blocks that I'm beginning to wonder what color to use for the filler rows.  Suggestions gladly accepted - the only colors I don't want to use are white, black and gray.  I'm actually thinking about yellow, maybe a cute yellow polka dot.  Would that be too busy?

Meanwhile, it's back to work tomorrow, so I'd best run along.  Have a great week.


  1. Great bee block! Love the little chicken :)

  2. I couldn't resist commenting today. Such lovely bright colours that you are using. They look great together. :) I really like to use small polka dots as background fabrics. Lecien do some fab ones. It will be interesting to see what you decide on. :)


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