
Monday, February 20, 2012

Do You Play Crochet?

In addition to hexis, I've been spending my down time with a crochet hook in my hand.  I finished this infinity scarf the other day.   It is from a pattern I found on the Caron website, although the yarn isn't Caron .  Sorry about the photos, but I had to be my own model since WH had shoulder surgery and hasn't been feeling well, so I hate to ask him to take pictures.  (And while I hate to admit it, they might have been better if I had been wearing my glasses.)

If I do this again, I think I'll try baby yarn for a more drape-able effect.  The instructions called for a 54" scarf, but the one in the website photo must be quite a bit longer, since it doesn't bunch up around the girl's neck quite so much.  This one used the entire skein of yarn, so I'm not going to go buy another whole skein just to add a couple of inches.  Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it, despite the fact that I think another 5 or 6 inches would have been nice.

And here's another infinity scarf I made with the same pattern using 2 skeins of chunky yarn.  Love the color, not sure about the  yarn.

I've also finished up a few crocheted dish cloths, although I can't find the photos - or the dishcloths for that matter (where do these things go?)  I bought a book of patterns, but ended up not liking any of them so I used a couple I found on the internet, here and here.

And, finally, Abby is going to have a baby brother in a couple of months, and I haven't done a thing for the little guy.  In fact, I haven't seen Abby or her parents since I went to Sewing Summit in October, although I had planned to go this weekend, but the flights were full.  Anyway, the other day, Abby's mommy commented that baby's arrival is now "real" since she spent some time washing and folding tiny clothes and getting things ready.  I decided that I needed to do that too, so I made baby a blanket.  I went kind of overboard with Abby, so I've been asked to not be quite so generous this time.  Still, the little guy has to have something of his very own, doesn't he?  What could be more appropriate for the grandson of a pilot than - well - planes?  And helicopters...  And hot air balloons.  Seems to cover all the bases, if you ask me.

My grandmother made one of these flannel blankets with crochet edging for every baby.  She passed away just after Amanda was born, so none of my kids got one.  I ended up with a lot of them since they were passed down and down and down and my kids are the youngest, so I kind of taught myself to make them.  I guess it's kind of an heirloom - at least the idea of them is.  Anyway, I'm sure that our new little guy needs at least one.

Then, since I was forbidden to make more blankets for baby, I made a couple for gifts for ladies at work that will be having babies soon.

These are an easy and inexpensive gift, and a great way to keep my hands busy while I'm watching TV.  I try to buy the flannel at JoAnn's when they've got it on sale, so this probably only cost me about $5 or $6.  And the crocheting maybe took 3 or 4 hours for each one. 

So, that's what I've been doing - how about you?


1 comment:

  1. I love to crochet too! Have been wanting to try the crochet edged blankets but have not done it yet. Lucky babies!


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