
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

PROCLAMATION: August 2012 is "FINISH IT" Month!!!

I have a problem.  I have a bee and swap addiction.  I know that seems to be a common theme on this little blog lately, but since I did this post I have been thinking that it's about time I get busy and finish some of these things I've started and create some ROOM in the sewing room. I'm posting it here so I'll have some accountability.

I'm doing a couple of blog hops and have one swap to do in August (or maybe two), but other than that, I'm going to devote my sewing time to finishing WIP's.

Here's the list:
1.  Jelly roll quilt - top is finished; needs to be sandwiched, quilted and bound
2.  Fairy Tale Friends - ditto
3.  3x6 Bee Blocks - I have accumulated enough blocks to make this quilt!
4.  Citrus Quilt - I have 10 of the 12 blocks I need, so the plan is to make 2 more blocks, then sandwich, quilt and bind
5.  Granny Squares Quilt - I have 12 of 18 blocks I need, so I'll make 6 more blocks, then sandwich, quilt and bind (SQB for short!)
6.  String Blocks Quilt -  I have 40 string blocks, so that should be plenty, , so make the top, then SQB
7.  Bow Tie Quilt - I have 80 bow ties, again, plenty, so make the top, then SQB
8.  Bento Block Quilt - I have 40 bento quarters, again plenty, so make the top and SQB
9.  Breath of Avignon Quilt - I'll have to see where I am with this one, but I think I can get it done as well.

And if I manage to complete even half of these, there will be significantly more room in the sewing room and I can start some wonderful new projects - guilt free.

What do you have lingering in your WIP basket???  Will you join me?


  1. Good luck. It sounds like an awfully lot to accomplish, but I know you can do it.

  2. WOW! You have been a busy woman! That's quite a lot of sewing accomplished! I'm happy if I get half of a quilt top done in a month, let alone the whole top, or 2 or 3 or 4...I'm sure you get the picture! Good luck on finishing! I know you can do it!!!!

  3. yikes. well August is "visit from my parents (they stay in my sewing room) and get the boy back to college" month so I likely won't get a lot done. Honestly, not that much in my WIP pile. I need to finish some swap blocks and a quilt for a client this month. Anything else is gravy.

  4. I have the addiction too.. but my room isnt full yet, but I cant stop making scrap squares... LOL>> I am joining bee blocks to learn and see design, so far I dont have a machine that will free motion.. its making me sick. Or I would Quilt all day, I have a free with a free arm but its 15 an hr and since I dont work, that adds up..LOL I will miss you in the SWAP>>


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!