With all of the December activities around here - swooning, postering, boxing, wrapping, packing and traveling - there were a lot of things left undone. One of them was posting all the wonderful swappy stuff I received in December.

First are the four wonderful packages I received in the Trim the Tree swap. The Trim the Tree swap is the very first swap I ever participated in on Flickr, and I look forward to it every year. Not as many participants this year as in years past, and a slightly different format, I think meant to reduce stress on the swap mama, but just as fun as ever. It's always so exciting to see what people come up with, and this year was no different. Such a fun assortment of Christmas decorations. Since I didn't put up a Christmas tree this year (as you can see from the photo - this is only a pseudo tree, put up at the last minute because I couldn't stand the lack of Christmasy atmosphere here!) these will wait until next year when I (hopefully) will decorate more. We're staying home next year.
This adorable jingle bell snowman was from Shelly. Isn't he cute? So much so that I examined him carefully to see how she did it.
A giant jingle bell and a child's Christmas sock seem to figure prominently here. I love it! I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more of these next year.
is are the ornament(s) Synnove sent. I love the little basket - it reminds me of a May basket, and will be adorable on the tree - maybe filled with Christmas treats? The crochet heart is fun also, and might just make an appearance at Valentine's Day as well. But honestly, I am truly jazzed by the fabric Synnove sent. I haven't seen this one before, so it will be great fun to add to the stash. Hope I remember it's there and use it next year.
Muriel sent this adorable Christmas pennant. Won't this be fabulous on the tree?
Muriel also sent a little Sinterklaas, the Dutch Santa. She explained that the Dutch celebrate this holiday on December 5. He is super tiny, maybe 1/2 inch altogether, with another inch for the strings hanging down, but oh-so-cute!
The cute little Christmas house is from Nikki. It is made from 30's fabric. I love the little cowboy on the door. Really sweet.
I also received some bee blocks. This one is from Kat in Australia in the Sew Fun Bee. I had asked these ladies to help me finish the blocks for my Granny Square quilt, and they really stepped up. I have enough blocks now, I think, so all I have to do is make a quilt. {grin} I love the orange and aqua combination she used. It has been a favorite since Arielle chose it for her wedding.
This block is from Cara. I love this one. It reminds me of a summer day. Nice!
This package came while we were gone for Christmas. Oddly, it required ID to retrieve it from the post office, and WH said he didn't know anyone in Indonesia so I had to go pick it up myself, which isn't always easy when you work the same hours as the post office is open. Luckily, we had a couple of medical appointments yesterday, so I was able to get by the post office on my way to work.
Inside was this beautiful block from Henny. I almost never sew with batiks, so this will be a unique addition to my quilt.
Henny also made me this fun little pouch. I have been wanting a pencil pouch to fit in my scripture tote, since my markers and ruler seem to escape fairly often. This is perfect! So thoughtful!
Here is the package I received from Kristel in the Modern Scrappy Bits Swap. This package came all the way from Alberta, so it has a selection of things we don't have in the States, I think.
She chose an amazing selection of fabric scraps for me. Some I have seen, but most are new to me. I am really going to enjoy these.
And she stalked me so well that she even included one of her favorite needles after she read my rant about needles a few weeks ago. It's a Bohin needle, which I've never seen before. Can't wait to try it.
She also included some wool for crewel embroidery. I used to do a lot of crewel work, but haven't done any in years, so this will be fun!
Finally, I received a fun package from Heather for the December Swap in the Sew Fun Bee. Since there were only 11 of us, we decided to swap fun little gifts in December. I don't know where Heather found the time to create all this - she had a baby on December 3, I think.
I love the way this little pouch coordinates so well with the one I received from Kristel. I am planning to use them to organize the various small projects I have going on. Zip lock bags are useful, but sooooo boring.
And I have been coveting one of these cathedral windows pinnies forever. I love cathedral windows, but haven't tried to make one for myself yet. Maybe now I won't have to?
Thanks everyone for brightening my holidays and making all these special goodies just for me.