
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Family History Challenge Day 1


 I was challenged by a friend to a Family History Challenge on Facebook - a photo a day for 10 days.  But since I went to all the work to write them and things on FB tend to get lost, I thought I'd record these 10 family history stories here on my blog. If family history interests you, you might enjoy these stories.

I spent years looking for this man - my father’s grandfather. They shared a first name, although I didn’t know that until just before my father died. I searched microfilm and all the records I could find with no luck. His was always the first name I looked for. The search went on for years. Then, for Mother’s Day one year, my husband and my daughter bought me an ancestry dot com membership and I typed in his name... and there he was, with a picture and everything! He even looks a lot like my dad. And so I embarked on a wild 2-month online journey that revealed some 6000 names in my family tree. Thanks Ancestry.


  1. My father was always interested in his ancestry and when I finally "got the bug" I found Ancestry and so many distant cousins with loads of information. I published a family history book which I gave to my Dad in 1999. It was the best gift I ever gave him....brought tears to his eyes....sadly I lost my Dad in 2014 but I still continue to learn about the family.......what a great find for you to get that photo.......

  2. What a wonderful gift! Unfortunately my parents have been gone a very long time, but I've enjoyed the search - especially since there are so many digital resources now. It's no longer the long days in a family history library looking at microfilm that may or may not (usually not) have what you are looking for. And I was so excited when I saw this photo, you might have heard me down the block! LOL


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