
Monday, August 24, 2020

Harry Potter Quilt - Finally Finished


The monster project is finished!  Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would take me a whole month to complete this quilt.  I'm pretty happy with it overall, which is good, because there will likely never be another one.



My husband said that no Harry Potter quilt would be complete without a 9-3/4 block.  But all quilters know that you can't just add one block.  And if I replaced a block, who would I want to do without?  So a whole new row it had to be.

In addition to 9-3/4, I added Quiddich of course....

And Harry's Patronus...

The Deathly Hallows....

And the Hogwarts Express.  The colors here are very orange because the light in my room after dark is pretty orange.  It has rained the WHOLE month of August, it seems, and since I had to go back to work within a day or two after I finished the quilt top, there hasn't been time to get a good photograph.  

Hopefully, when things settle down at school, I'll get a chance to get a photo.  Nevertheless, I'm very glad it's done.

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