Monday, October 17, 2011

How Can the Weekend be Gone Already???

I planned for this to be a sewing weekend, but I certainly didn't accomplish all I set out to do!  I have a long list of things I need to get done by the end of the month, and while I did make some progress, I still have a lot left on the list that isn't finished.  But I am determined to have a "glass is half full" attitude, so aside from the wonky cross blocks I shared on Saturday, here is the rest of what I accomplished this weekend.  These are the "From My House to Yours" potholders I made for the PP9 swap.

I wanted to make a castle, but I'm not sure if this doesn't look more like a football goal post.  In any event, the castle "keep" is the theme of this house.

And this one is the cottage out back, I guess.  Much more traditional, and with a totally tidy front lawn.

I hope my partner likes them.

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