Saturday, November 28, 2020

#givethanks - day 8

Today, I am feeling so grateful for the change in my social media feeds.  I have absolutely LOVED reading what everyone is grateful for.  I have gained insights into the lives of friends I have known for years, and some that I only know through social media.  It has improved my mood, and turned my attitude around.


I guess it just proves that it is difficult (I won't go so far as to say "impossible") to have a positive outlook and be surrounded by negativity.  

This year has been difficult - no question - but there have been many bright spots.  Dwelling on the things we're missing or the things that are going wrong just makes us more miserable.  Looking for the things that are going well, or the blessings hidden in the changes - and they're there if we look - helps us enjoy what we have.

I'm going to try to do better.


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It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!